Saturday, October 4, 2008

Quick update!

I just realized it's been a few weeks since my last entry here, and decided I'd better update! :)

I haven't had much goin on since Munchie started school. I did get a new (well, new to me) car last night....I went from a 1989 gray Chevy Celebrity piece of crap to a 1996 Red Pontiac Grand Am!!! I love this car...just have to get all the legal stuff done now, title, inspection, plates...the whole 9 yards!!

I could beat Hector though...he actually bought this car a couple of months ago, and was working on it, it needed a new motor, and he had it at his friends house at the guys shop so that he had better access to the tools he needed! He left the trunk open on it one night, and it rained!!! Pendejo! Now the car smells like an old flooded out, musty basement...and he had better hope that he gets that smell outta there or I will not be driving it! :(

Finances have been crazy lately...for the first time in 3 years we had fallen behind in August, and just got caught up this week! I was kinda freakin out for a minute! But I think it'll be alright now! :)

I have been looking into moving to Mexico, for good! Anybody have any ideas on how to go about getting legal in Mexico if you don't have a job offer, nor will be attending school there. Me and Hector have been living together for 5 years, but are not married, and I have 3 kids whose father's are Mexican Citizens!!! All I can find is for me to go on a tourist visa and return every so often to renew it...I would really like to be able to stay with no problems, and worry that if the economy fails here the way I think it likely would I be to have a tourists visa renewed!!!? Me and Hector have both searching everywhere for info, on Mexico's Government and immigration websites, and found NADA to help me out! So, now I'm asking anyone who might have experience with this to help!!

Thanks ya'all!! :) I'll talk to everyone soon!



Traciy Curry-Reyes said...

Wow! I have been thinking the same thing too about moving to Mexico that is. That is how I have found all of these great blogs about American and Hispanic relationships. I have done alot of research on this subject (moving to Mexico). Have you thought about what kind of work you would do? It would be difficult if you are not legally married. If you were married to a Mexican national then you can have legal residency, which would allow you to work. Great blog. Like the lay out.

~*jenn*~ said...

Thanks for coming by my blog!!!

I haven't really thought much about working there especially since I can't find any way that I would be able to get residency there!!! I'm pretty sure I am just going to attempt the tourist visa and hope for the best! :)

I like my layout too, I got it from Bloggerbuster, this woman Amanda designs the templates and she is awesome she has all kinds of neat stuff! Thanks again!

I am headin over to check out your blog now!! Have you checked out my friends blogs?? They have some pretty interesting stuff to talk about too!! Talk to ya soon!
