Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Therapy today....

Munchie had his 2nd therapy session of this school year with ECSE today. We just got back and I was is not lookin to be much better than yesterday!

Last week..he went into his session ready to jump right in without a second thought and did great! Today, he walked with Patty (SLP) holding her hand and with his other, chewing on his fingers. It was obvious he was holding back some tears...and within the first few minutes of being inside apparently had gotten himself so worked up that he began puking all over the place!! Patty comes outside with Munchie in tow, imforming me she thinks he may be sick (Nope...that's pretty much Munchie)...she says, "Well, he was just fine last week!! What happened?" That's a great question, and one that I ask everyday!

She decided to end the session with that (which I assumed from the time I watched her walk out the door with Munchie crying and gagging!) and gave me instruction on what she was going to work with today, and told me to go ahead and just do this at home and she will review it next week!!!!!!! I don't get it...why is he there??? Am I the SLP??? Why is she going to review the work I do with him....shouldn't that go the other way?????!!!!! She COULD just let me go in and sit in on each session, the same way his SLP last year did...I'm not that type of parent that butts in every second...I sit back, quietly and pay attention so I DO know what to review at home! I only speak when asked, and if she asked the other SLP this, she would know that! I was more than willing to sit it out, not happy about it...but willing! BUT, if this is how things will work...what is the point!? Why am I stressin over all this when it seems to make NO difference at all! What is she there for!

I am ready to hang up the towel...give it all up...and just run away!!! But as always I will keep on truckin...after all, it's just another day in mí vida, and there's always tomorrow!!! :)

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