Sunday, July 27, 2008

¡Dios mio!

Me and my boyfriend have very different beliefs when it comes to religion! He is Catholic and I am Non-Denomination Christian! He thinks us Christians know NOTHING about God or anything else! As far as I am concerned, as long as you believe and confess that Jesus died for you, and give being a good person, and doing God's work your best effort, you're doing okay for yourself! That's not to say that you can go out and murder your neighbor as soon as you get through with being saved (even though you might want to, it's just NOT right...DON'T do it!!! LoL!) and all will be forgiven, not even close! BUT, I do believe that he will make it to Heaven when all is said and done! Even though I do not agree with him praying to La Virgen de Guadalupe, nor do I believe that all of these candles being burned constantly will awnser any prayers any quicker, or keep us any safer than we are without them, actually I believe leaving candles burning while sleeping is rather dangerous, but I do whatever I can to respect his beliefs!

So why is it then that he cannot do the same for me? It seems that many of these guys when they find out I am not Catholic look at me as if I am "El Diablo" in the flesh!!!! I try to read the Bible (when I remember, NOT as often as I should!), and I pray to God in Jesus' name, I do my best to be a decent person, and help others out whenever possible! I guess the funniest thing to me is that, although they seem to be more involved in their religion than I am, that is exactly why I personally feel that I have a closer relationship with God than they think I do...I am NOT a religious person, I have a very strong faith in God, and Jesus, and the Trinity as a whole! And it is my belief that having that faith is much more importanté, than having a statue of Mary in your front yard or burning a candle!!!


~*~ Megan ~*~ said...

This isn't regarding your post but the comment you posted on my site:

Yes! I had a FEELING that kiss thing was a promise or swearing to God.

He did it right when he was saying he was NOT married to this other woman.

I believe him. I know people think I'm probably naive or stupid or a combo of both of those, but I feel it in my gut to believe him. HOPEFULLY it's not just my heart taking over lol! :D

That's funny that's how you can tell if Hector is lying or not LOL! I can tell if Cele is lying. He either laughs and/or changes the subject and CANNOT give me a direct answer.

Now though IF I feel funny about him telling me anything else (like if something comes up about something different, etc.) I will ask him to do that kissing thing. Let's see how THAT works out. If he says 'Ay, Megan, no.' or something like that, then I'll know it's a mentira lol!

And with the psychic, well hmm, it could be true because I DID just google that name and my blog comes up...BUT with the woman and NOT married thing, she wouldn't know about that because I just posted my blog TODAY and she responded BEFORE I posted my blog (I read her email before posting my blog about Cele coming clean). Quien sabe? :)

~*jenn*~ said...

That is what I do to Hector...I tell him to do that when I think he is lieing!!! And that's funny cause when he IS lieing, he say "Aye...Jenn, I am telling you the truth, I don't need to do that!" HA...BUSTED!!!!!


P.S. You can comment on your blog, I go back to comments I left as much as I can to see if there are any comments to mine! Talk to ya later!

Anonymous said...

LoL, when Jose found out I practiced no religion at all, he acted as if I were the anti-Christ. He was like, "Como que no tienes religion?!" and then he crossed himself like he was going to go to hell for even associating with someone as unholy as me! LoL! I was like, "Okaaaaay."

Once, they were having a Cinco De Mayo bilingual mass at the church was I was baptized in as an infant, and he had another meltdown, telling me how dare I suggest he switches religion!

After many years together and me attending mass once in awhile, I decided I liked what I was seeing so I started the process to convert to Catholicism last fall and did my 1st Communion/Confirmation in March. :)

~*jenn*~ said...

That is exactly how they look at me when they find out I am not Catholic! A few weeks ago Hector was talking to a friends wife in Mexico, she asked Hector whether or not me and him are Catholic, he told her YES, that both of us are, and that made me mad, like he is ashamed of my religion, and I am not at all like that with him! I just wish that he would take the time to find out what my beliefs are before assuming I am this horrible person, if he really payed attention he would see that our beliefs are NOT that much different!

I am glad to hear that you are converting, whether I believe all that is involved or not, I think everyone needs to God somehow on some level, if that makes any sense whatsoever!!! ;)


Frankly Ronda said...

So I found this post very interesting. I often feel this way in the world in general as a Reform Jew.

I converted from Baptist to Reform Jewish. I love believing in all good people living good lives.

Somebody said...

I'm really glad that I don't know what you're talking about because I grew up Baptist and the Mexican did too.

One of his brothers converted to Catholicism but the family never said a word about it. They kind of have the attitude that as long as you believe in something; it's okay.

I guess I have the same take on it too. God knows I'm not a Saint!


P.S. Good luck on this one :)

~*jenn*~ said...

American Mommy in Mexico~ I love to believe that also! I am definitely not at all trying to insinuate that what I believe is the ONLY true thing! I just have a very strong faith in Jesus as MY Lord and Savior! Please don't be offended by anything I said in this blog, it was geared toward MY situation really!!!

Lisa~ How in the world did you find a Mexican that's Baptist??? I have personally known one Mexicano that was NOT Catholic!! Telling his story would be a blog all on it's own...he was kiled a couple years back by the train right outside where we lived at the time!!!


Frankly Ronda said...

No offense taken - really- I can just relate.

I am actually excited about my kids being exposed to the predominately Cathliuc population this year while we are in Mx. We expect to celebrate the traditions around us in this culture while also preserving a bit of us in the home too.

Husband & I are both Jews by Choice (converts) Husband was Catholic! We have a VERY OPEN attitude towards religion. We just wish for all to have a value system that makes them feel safe and loved while rspecting differences. We teach our children that we hope they continue a Jewish life always but when they grow up it will be up to them to explore their own spirituality and choose what fits for them. We did.

~*jenn*~ said...

I agree 100%! And thank you for letting me know that I hadn't offended you! ;) How is it going in Mexico anyway? I read your blog a few times, and I am gettin ready to go check out what's new! I hope you guys have fun while your there!;) I'll be talking to you more later, I hope!
