Thursday, July 17, 2008

Santa's not real?????!!!!

Yesterday we reached a new milestone with our oldest son, Anthony! Anthony is 7 years old, and has always believed everything Mommy told him! Well, at least I thought he did!!!

Yesterday I was working on the computer, when out of nowhere he says, "Mom, I wanna say somethin!". I say, "Okay, what Bud?".
Him: "I know it's not real!"
Me: "You know what's not real?!"
Him: (Pointing to his 4 year old sister! He SPELLS out) "S-A-N-T-A C-L-A-U-S!!!" (No E at the end, that is not a typo!)
Me: "What makes you think that?"
Him: "Well, I've kinda known since that time (December 2006) that we busted into the room and saw all the stuff!" (In the room was all of the Christmas presents, the door had been locked, and our then 2 year old daughter managed somehow to get it open! Go figure!)

So here I am feeling like the biggest idiot of them all, how could I have not known that he didn't believe in Santa for 2 straight Christmas', I mean come on!!! So I decide if he is old enough to ask that seriously about it, and smart enough to know not to say it, but to spell it instead in front of his sister, I am willing to let go of this phase of my boy's matter how hard it is to allow him to grow up...I gotta give in sometime right?


Somebody said...

Hmmm... my boys are 9 (10 in October) and 7 years old, both still believe in Santa.

My 9 year old, he's the one that was abducted and forced to live in Mexico for four years, believed in los reyes magos (sp?).

Keep in mind that I had no friggin clue what los reyes magos were, where they come from, what they represented, or nada!

I found out that lots of kids in Mexico believe in, what I interpret, as the Three Kings who give out gifts like the ones they gave to the Christ child.

My kids also believe in the Tooth Fairy and the Boogie-Man too. Lol


P.S. They grow up too quick!

~*jenn*~ said...

I WANTED so bad for him to believe in Santa forever!!!! I think part of this might actually be due to being in Mexico for Christmas last year. I don't understand it because everyone else I know that has celebrated in Mexico talks about how much better it is than here, in Palmillas they don't have Santa or give gifts or any of that and I didn't know that till we were there and it was Christmas...that was just a bad day for me anyway, my mom died Christmas night 2005 so I NEEDED the distractions of Christmas like it is here to keep my mind off of that and it just didn't happen!! I told my kids that the kids there don't believe in Santa so he doesn't go there, and that he had brought thier gifts to our house and they would get them when we got home...I don't think Anthony quite fell for it! LoL!!

I hate that he doesn't believe in any of it anymore, that innocense is gone forever now, and it's hard to let them grow up!!! Like I told my sis, on the bright side I have a little "Elf" to help me out at Christmas time now!!!!


~*jenn*~ said...

I asked Hector what that was, and he said "The three Kings", and went into saying exactly what you said, about the kings bringing gifts and that!!! Just thought I'd let ya know his version of it is the same as yours!!!
