Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What Childhood Apraxia of Speech means to me!

January 22, 2005 my perfect baby boy was born! The youngest of three, I thought I knew it all...and was extremely confident in my abilities as a mom! That was then...this is now...3 and a half years later!

When my son was 2 months old he was hosplitalized with Pnuemonia, more than one time...it seemed that for the next year or so he was sick all the time, we later discovered that he has Asthma and that had caused quite a bit of trouble in that first year! Needless to say, I didn't pay much attention to other developmental issues with him until the breathing problems were somewhat resolved! But thinking back now, I should have known that something wasn't quite right long ago! You see, my son never really babbled and cooed like "normal" babies do, and I guess I just assumed it was from being attached to a nebulizer or at the worst of times a breathing machine that kept him from making those sounds. I didn't begin to worry until he was almost 2 years old and could only say "ma" not mama...just MA! Not only was that the only word in his vocabulary, it was also the only "sound" he was able to use consistently! Late talker...right? I know that's an easy one...or so some may think!!!

I began to question his speech ability, and inquired with his pediatrician about this, from whom I got "He's fine...don't worry mom...he's just a "late talker" is all...in a few months you'll be wishing he couldn't talk anymore!" HA...not so much!!! People would like to assume, and have (and still do) that he is so far behind in his expressive language (my boy is extremely intelligent, and understands everything that is said to him) because he lives in a bilingual household! Not true!!! I finally obtained an evaluation for him in December of 2007 by the school district where they determined he is severely delayed in expressive speech (well no duh...I could have told you that much!) and another evaluation last month by a certified SLP (Speech and Language Pathologist) who specializes in CAS...better known as Childhood Apraxia of Speech or Developmental Apraxia OR Dyspraxia...no matter what you call it, it's all the same thing!!! We'll get to that in a minute!) She diagnosed him with Severe Apraxia, with severe expressive language delay!

What is Apraxia???
Hmmmm....good question, and I cannot tell you exactly what it is or what causes it (noone to my knowledge can tell you what causes it unless it is aquired ie; caused by trauma to the brain!) What I can tell you is that someone with Apraxia is NOT menatlly impaired in any way. My son and others like him, know exactly what they want to say they are just unable to get it out! That in turn causes frustration levels to sky rocket...think about a time you have had larangitis and you are unable to talk, and have something very important to say...it would be extremely frustrating, am I right? Well, you would at the very least be capable of writing your needs or wants down (you're reading this so I know you can read and write;0)!) But for a child with Apraxia, it's much more difficult to communicate! That frustration is taken out in many forms...hitting, biting, hair pulling...constant tantrums. And believe me, having 2 older children I know that this applies to all kids but for my Apraxic son...it is much more often and severe!

The best thing we have done thus far is to learn and teach our son basic sign language...just enough to get by at least with us, for instance the signs for eat, drink, more, please and thank you...he uses these often, and they have helped in so many ways...not only can he let us know these things now, but using hand gestures like signs improves their ability to litterally "speak" or articulate (articulation or the lack of ability to articulate a sound or sounds is exactly what Apraxia of speech is!) those words! I suggest all new mom's begin using basic signs with their babies, it's a win-win no matter how you look at it! Imagine being able to communicate with your 6 month old and them be able to "tell" you they are hungry or sleepy!!! How can you lose??!!

What you should do if you think your child is lagging in speech!!
First and foremost ask their doctor....if they just blow you off like ours did, make an appointment with an SLP or your local school district, if your child is under the age of three you can have them evaluated by an early intervention program! Ask around! I definitely suggest going to www.apraxia-kids.org this website has been of more help than anything else, and the support system is AWESOME!!!

If your child has been diagnosed with CAS, I wish you the best of luck...it is a very slow going, emotional process! It requires a lot of time, effort, and patience from all involved! If you have any questions about anything here...let me know!



Anonymous said...

I can not believe it! What an incredibly rough first year of life! You must be an amazing mom! I admire that you have remained so strong, and instead of giving up that you have been able to not only find a way in which to communicate with him, but that you are spreading the word.
I also have 3 children...I am the mother of Liliana, and to help you feel better the only reason it is spelled "correctly" is that I had my husband spell it out for me... ; )
But a lot of people call her Lilian, they leave off that last "a" and that kinda drives me nuts too, but like you I most call her Lili.
Well thanks for stopping by my blog and good luck!!
And if you get to Mx have lots n lots of fun!!!!!!

~*jenn*~ said...

Thanks Natalie!!!

ME...an AMAZING mom!! Now that's funny! I wish I could agree with you on that, but I have got a LONG way to go to even compare to my own mom!! Thanks anyway! ;0)

It has been pretty tough at times, but you do what you gotta do, and when it's your kid...you do it ALL for them! I think any "decent" mom would! And I have a lot of help from my sister too!

Funny about your daughters name! IF her dad had a clue, her name would be spelled right! You got lucky! Funny thing is, it was one of my American friends that told me the right way to spell it...by then it was too late! Oh well...LilLiana it is!

I still have my fingers crossed for Mexico, it seems like me and the kids are hoping for it more than Hector though...odd huh?

Thanks for comin by my blog too...I'm sure I will be talking to you some more later!!


Anonymous said...

Reading this makes me so angry that your Dr. ignored your concerns and that he himself could not see that there was a problem with your son'e speech at 2 yrs old. Good for you to get your story out there! God bless.- A good book to read is called The Late Talker- it's about CAS.

~*jenn*~ said...

Thank you so much for your support! I have heard quite a bit about that book and I would really like to read it. I need to go to the library!!! :) I know so many people that take the doc's word as God's honest truth, and well...obviously I am not one of those people, thankfully! We no longer see that dr. and we live in a very rural area, so most everyone here takes thier children to him, I have talked quite a few of my friends into changing doc's even it means a longer drive!!!

Thanks again for coming by, next time leave a name, or a link to your own blog if you have one!! God bless!
