Friday, August 8, 2008

More about names

My last post got me thinking about how my boyfriend and pretty much every Mexicano I have ever known says my name! Instead of saying Jennifer, the way you would normally hear it, it is more like Yineefair (make sure you roll that r at the end!) And it's not only my first name, but also my last name, White...yes WHITE LOL...LMAO...ROFLMAO...YEAH I know;)! So, instead of saying that my last name is White...he says...I bet all you gringas out there already know what I'm about to say;)....Blanca!

And it goes both ways...his name is Hector, and I say it exactly like it sounds in English...I know how to say it the right way NOW...5 years ago I couldn't roll my r's and I didn't know that you don't hear that "H" at the beginning! LoL! In Mexico, I call him Hugo (without the H, and NO it's not like Yugo!), I don't sound so dumb saying that, and that's what they all call him!

We BOTH spelled our daughters name wrong...Lilliana instead of Liliana! (For anyone who doesn't know...2 L's together in Spanish ("ll") sounds like the "Y" in Yes!) OOPS! Oh well...she'll be ok!! And because our youngest is named after his dad and I really didn't want to call someone else Hector, and Junior got old, and well...he's short...I started calling him Munchkin a long time ago, and that eventually got shortened to "Munchie" now EVERYONE calls him that...even the familia in Mexico, but they say it like Moanchee! LoL! Anthony our oldest is Antonio or just Tony!

Point is...nobody here says anyones names the right way! least we know who is who right?!


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth = Elisabel
Liz = Lees
Suzanne (my Mom's name) = Soosun

John, Jack, Jim = Yohn, Yack, Yim.

LoL, when I was first with Jose, I tried so hard to get him to pronounce names correctly. SEVEN YEARS LATER and the man still can't get it right!!

LOL, I just remembered another one. My family calls Isabel (who we all call Chavela) Izzy. Jose says it: "EASY".


~*jenn*~ said...

Yeah I tried to get him to say my name right I'm just happy that he doesn't call our daughter HE anymore! LoL!

Most people call my nephew by his middle name which I can't spell right EVER...Isaiah (i think) and we call him I know what you mean about how he says that...that's the same way Hector says it!! LMAO!

My Mom's name was Beverly...Hector just called her and still does actually when refering to her, Grandma! :)

Somebody said...

It's funny you talk about names becuase the Mexican "GIVES" everyone a name. A few people he knows ...

Varnace- Varnacio
Mary- Maria
Elijah- Eliyo
Pam- Panochona
Susie- la viejita
Ernest- el viejito
local cashier- la cucaracha (sp?)
Hope- Esperanza

And when it comes to me, I have soooo many nickanames: LaGringa, LaGringaMasBella (he sings that one), Lisita, Lisota, Lisona, Bruja, and because his name is Juan ... he'll call me Juana!

Talk about Spanglish ... he's got his very own language going on.

The hardest name for him to get comprehend in English has been Joy (my boss) and he calls her Yoy. LoL


~*jenn*~ said...

LMAO@Lisa...Hector calls me Bruja ALL the time!!! I can't say too much about that though cause I call him White boy! A few of his other names for people...(I don't know if I can spell any of these right...but ya get the idea!)

My sister Michele- Totuga or Bufalo

Kelsey (My niece)- his Hijo or Sobrino...YES with the "O" at the end ;)

My sister Lisa- His American Lover! She calls him HER Mexican Lover! LoL!

My bro-in-law- El Viejo

My little bro Shaun- El Boracho

Why does Juan call the cashier la there a story behind that one? LMAO!


Anonymous said...

OMG, Jose names everyone! Some of them are obvious (Mi tio pelon y mi tia gordita) and others are just funny to me (El Piojo, El Takwatche, La Ballena, etc)! And in Mexico every knows Jose by a different nickname is seems. The two I remember are El Cinco y El Tingas! :)

He calls mi his guera grandota (lol!) and his bruja. :)