Tuesday, August 5, 2008

She said WHAT?!

Okay so last week my 7 year old, Anthony came to me and said something I would have never dreamed would EVER come out of one of my kids' mouths! He told me he is embarrased about me and his Dad being together because, we are different colors!!! Yes, you read that correctly, and if you know anything about my family, then you know that the reason it really shocked me is that my son is made up of those colors! Why in the world would he say such a horrible thing?! That's what I wondered too!

Sunday evening while me and Anthony were tearing down wall paper, we were talking. He was telling me all of the kid gossip goin on in the neighborhood (I've taught him well;), and he goes on to tell me that he had gone over to my oldest sisters house (who just so happens to live right next door) last week to ask if his cousins could spend the night, and overheard something that I could NOT believe! It's not even so much WHAT was said as it is WHO it was that said it!

For the record...I don't care who anyone is with; meaning that it makes no difference to me whatsoever what color, race, age, gender whatever the other person is, as long as you are happy with that person!! Having said that...I will tell ya what he heard! My sister and her "Novia" were talking about me and Hector, Anthony heard Darcie (La Novia) telling Michele (La Hermana) that we should not be together because we are different races!!! Anthony didn't bother even asking (if you knew my son you would know that he would never in a million years avoid asking for his cousins for almost ANY reason!) and told his cousins that thier Mom had said no, and then he came home!

Me and Michele ended up having a big fight about it yesterday, she tried to deny that it was said, until I finally told her how much I HATE this B*TCH she is with (NEVER assume that another woman could treat you any better than a man!) and that I do not doubt for a second that she would put herself above everyone else, and say something like that! Oh and I guess maybe the fact that Anthony also heard what Michele had said in response to Darcies statement helped a little too...she had said "Well as long as she is happy that's all that matters!"

I can't really be mad at her for saying it around my son being that she didn't know he was there, and wasn't saying anything to HIM specifically...everyone is entitled to thier opinions!!! It just happens to be that, it is MY opinion that if you are a Lesbian, maybe you should think twice about talking to your girlfriend about how wrong it is for thier sister to be in an interracial relationship...make sense!?


Anonymous said...

Oh, my God!!! You'd think someone that is in a relationship in which she has probably faced prejudice before would be a bit more understanding!!! I'm good and fine with people dating whoever they want as long as they're happy, so I'm not saying this to be a bitch, but who says she can date girls but you can't date a Hispanic guy?? You know what I mean??

LoL about your kid filling you in on the neighborhood gossip!! You have taught him well!! :)

~*jenn*~ said...

THANK YOU LIZ!!! You sound just like I did yesterday!!!:)

I've taught Hector well too...he used to be the one that didn't want any part of ANY gossip whatsoever...now...HE is the one dishin it! LMAO!;)


Anonymous said...

LoL! Jose claims to be VERY ANTI-GOSSIP, but its all an act. That man is a huge CHISMOSO. He's always asking me for the latest gossip. :)

~*jenn*~ said...

Let's NOT let the 2 of them get together then!! LOL!! There is no tellin what kind of crazy stuff they might come up with!!!
:) Hector pretends not to care around everyone else...but let them leave the room, and he's all up in my ear..."Que te hablando!!??" NO joke!!LMAO!


Somebody said...

LMAO! I think I'd leave an anonymous gift on her porch (A Mirror) with a note attached that says, "have you looked in the mirror lately?"

~Lisa :)

Somebody said...

You should leave an anonymous gift on her doorstep (A mirror) with a note attached "Have you looked in the mirror lately?"


~Lisa :)

~*jenn*~ said...

Lisa~ROFLMAO!! That is a GREAT idea!


~*jenn*~ said...

Lisa~ ROFLMAO!!! That's a GREAT idea!:)
