Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm really PO'd!

Monday being Hector's Birthday also meant that this year his drivers license expired. He got off work a little earlier today and decided to run over to have it renewed before it was too late!

When we got there, there was a short line with a couple of other people doin the same thing he was, and I watched as 2 other people had thier brand new plastic card handed over to them! Finally it was our turn, they asked for all his info. as usual, he payed the $20 fee, and they hand him a piece of paper, explaining that he is on a conditional driver restriction (whatever that means exactly...I can't seem to get a straight answer from the DMV nor can I find anything about it online!) and that he will recieve his actual license in the mail in 6-8 weeks after his legal status is comfirmed through INS!

Maybe it's just me, but I think this is total crap! I want one of these people to explain to me why it is exactly that he has to go through all of the BS he goes through and pays all the fees he has to to keep up this status of his, and why in the hell he has to carry his card on him at all times if they are going to do this crap! If that card is not proof enough then WHY does he need it!?

It just makes no sense to me whatsoever why it was enough for the white American in front of us to show his birth certificate and S.S. card and was handed his license the same day....but Hector showed his S.S. card and his PR card which has his DOB, Alien #, fingerprints and picture, and has to wait this long for his, and is also on a restriction!

Tell me I making this a big deal for no reason, or do I have a legitimate reason to be pissed!? I need someone elses opinion on this...maybe I am taking it too personally...I dunno!


~*~ Megan ~*~ said...

No way, you are NOT making a BIG deal! :/

I'd be ticked! I mean WHAT IS THE POINT in having a PR card when they put ya on restriction or STILL make ya wait?

Isn't that the point of getting or having a PR card??? To make things a LITTLE BIT más facil?

Ay Dios mio I despise the pais at times b/c their leyes are really messed up! :/

~Megan :o)

Anonymous said...

I would have been very pissed off, and Jose would have probably had to have stopped me from creating a scene right then and there! It would be even more infuriating to me because no one seems to have a straight answer for you. Maybe if I could see on-line where it gave a reason and explanation for the policy, I would calm down some. But it still seems ridiculous.

The DMV here in Nebraska can check the validity of a social security number. I would think most places could do so. Wouldn't that solve the problem??

~*jenn*~ said...

Megan~ That's what I thought the point in having the PR make it easier I mean!

Liz~ Believe me girl...I wanted to fly over and ring that bitches neck! I was standin there half in tears! If I'm arguing with ya and I'm's not a sign of weekness on my part, it's a sign that you better get the F*** out my path and quick!

This is all thanks to our wonderful Governor, Matt Blunt. He is wanting to run for some other office for the country...NOT just Missouri! If ya see his name on the ballot DO NOT vote for him! His campaign slogan should be "Matt Blunt...For a Rich, White America!" This is the same a$$hole that decided poor Missouri adults don't need medical care, that is you can't prove status, you can't attend college in Missouri, and now he is goin for the public school system, so that if the parents cannot prove status thier kids will not be allowed to enroll, even if they were born here! WTF is that about?!

And what he was told by INS when he got his card renewed was that ALL government offices have the ability to scan his card and use it to prove his staus what happened here then!


Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, I will def. be staying away from this Blunt guy. Are you for real on the public school thing???? Is that even consitutional??? Wow...

~*jenn*~ said...

YES I am for real...I don't think it's constitutional...but when it comes to illegal immigrants, we all know that in the eyes of the government they have no rights anyway, so technically there is nothing anyone can do about it! You know there are loopholes in every aspect of the system though and people will find and use them! For instance...all someone would have to do to get through this crack is to give someone else legal gaurdianship of thier child, and therefore the kid would be eligible for public school! ;)

How though is this thing with the license in any way whatsoever constitutional...according to everything I have read about the PR, they have pretty much all the same rights and benefits of a citizen aside from being required to renew every so often, and having to carry the card on them! Ya catch my drift! If it's okay for them to do this to someone who IS doesn't come as a surprise to me that they would not give a crap what happens to someone who is not, or thier kids (or *anchor babies* as they like to call them...ARGH!) for that matter!


chicadedios25 said...

That really sucks. Like a vaccum.

Yeah- I understand being Pissed my article about Carlos and I and the damn fishing liscence incident. That was ridiculous and if I ever see that lady down a dark allyway....

C had a job offer in Illinois but it was followed by "but you better watch yourself and not screw up because they are not being friendly to hispanics any more."

Where his patron wanted him to go-it is illegal for illegals to rent places to live.

~*jenn*~ said...

Yep...that's another one Blunt made sure of in Missouri! The renting thing! It's only in St.Louis though as far as I know...out here where I live (about 60 miles from St.Louis), it doesn't apply!

And that's no joke thier really not being friendly at all anymore...not to ANY of them!! It gets worse and worse everyday....and I think alot of it has to do with election time coming up...but if it doesn't cool down soon...we are gettin the F*** outta here, it just gets to be too much sometimes! I know you all know what I'm sayin!:)

Thanks for the comment Chicadedios...I LOVE you name!;)


Anonymous said...

Geez, that is awful! I'm sorry they are being this way! =(

~*jenn*~ said...

Sandy~ Thanks for the comment and for taking the time to stop by! Lisa (Dee*Lightful Photos from Flickr) is my sister, she told me I should read your blog too...she talks about you and your work a lot...and thinks very highly of your photography! I will be coming by your blog as soon as things settle down here a bit, and I can actually pay attention! :)
