Saturday, August 30, 2008

Women's Health Talk...NOT for the guys! :)

If having a perfect period was even a realistic possibility, that would have been how I would have described my monthly visit, before! Now...ha...not so much! I have been all over the web researching the possibility of tubal ligation interfering with this, and have found that has been proven that it does NOT!

From the time I had my first period, at age 13...until June 0f 2006...15 years later, I had a perfectly "normal" cycle. You know the one you hear about in Health class! 28 days between each, very light, only lasting a few days at a time, and the occasional big deal. I never understood why people made such a fuss about it, I mean sure it wasn't fun, but it didn't affect my life too much! This was true even after giving birth 3 times, and having 2 miscarraiges, which are things that have been known to change a few women's cycles!

Then, in April, 2006...after having lost our second baby, and this time, I seriously thought it might kill me also due to severe hemorrhaging...we decided it was time for me to get my tubes tied! Almost 2 months later, I had the tubal ligation surgery, and was told that I would probably have an unusually heavy period the first time, but that they would be back to normal thereafter! I have not had a normal period in over 2 years now! Some months I have 2 periods. Other times, months will pass before I have one, and then when I finally do it is extremely heavy, and I have severe cramping!

I know 3 other woman who have had thier tubes tied, with different procedures also (my tubes were cut, burned and the ends tied off...I was absolutely POSITIVE I did not want any more children!) and these woman have had the same problems after the surgery! Anyone else out there have the same thing!?


Somebody said...

I just love the way that we can talk about ALL of this stuff so openly (LMAO) and I have menstrual probs too.

I have three boys: 1. June/1993, 2. Oct./1998, and the last one was born in May of 2001. I also had a miscarriage in 1991, 1999, and 2000. I could have had six children!

I had my tubes tied in '01 after the birth of my last baby during the C-section; it was a one stop, get it all done, kind of thing.

I haven't had a normal period since either. In fact I bled daily for most of 2007. In february of this year I had a D&C and had not bled since until this past friday. I took off from work friday and today with, so far, no sign of relief yet. I'm flooding so badly that I cannot leave my house!

I have an appt. with a women's specialist Oct. 3rd to dive into this situation to see what we're gonna have to do because I cannot function normally with day to day tasks bleeding this way. It's horrible.

I also gained A LOT of weight. So I'll have to keep you updated on what this specialist says. In the meantime I'm hoping that my flow will decrease soon because I'm getting sick of it real quick! LoL


~*jenn*~ said...

I never understand when woman are so uptight about these convo's! It's life right?!

Ok...I'm not glad that you have the same problem, but that makes 4 of us now!!! Come on Ladies...let's hear it, I know there are more of us than this!! ;)

I didn't really gain the weight from it, that happened when I was on Depo!

The way you describe the way you're bleeding now has been my sisters reality for about half her life now! They have administered every test they can think of and cannot find an exact cause of her bleeding! She is unable to get pregnant because of it and that has been devastating for her! :( It also made it a little more difficult to make the decision to have my tubes tied, here I was choosing never to have another child while my sister is trying desperately to have one!! But she understood, she was there waiting for me in recovery when I was done! She is AWESOME I tell ya...I'm very lucky to have her!

Please keep me updated, I'll say a few prayers for you, hope all is well! I'm sure it is, but it can be very scary I know!

TTYS! :)